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Local groups benefit from grants

Friday 1 December 2023

Two local organisations have benefitted from grants awarded out of the Councillor Locality budgets for Hertford All Saints ward.

Councillor Ben Crystall has given a grant of £500 to Hertfordshire Boat Rescue to help support the volunteer water rescue team with its insurance costs. The rescue team covers Hertford and other areas of Hertfordshire to help keep its communities safe. The team goals are of drowning prevention and to keep its volunteer skills up to date.

A grant of £450 has also been awarded to Molewood Residents Association for a newsletter to be distributed to all households in the area. The newsletter highlights areas of concern or interest to residents and provides a platform for local councillors. The grant enables the Association to reach all its local residents and reflect their views on issues in the local area. It is also useful in acting as a bridge between the residents and the local authorities and councillors.

All County Councillors are provided with a Locality Budget of £10,000 each year to spend on projects that support Hertfordshire being 'a county of opportunity for all'.

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